Positive Regard
The Practice of Positive Regard and Care
Regardless of the person, situation and experience…
Can you choose to hold it in positive regard and care?
With the same amount of positive regard and care you hold for yourself or an innocent child?
Balanced positive regard and care between you and other may allow you to defuse reactions such as:
Taking things personally - Defensiveness - Protectiveness - Shut down - Shame - and more.
It's a practice of choice: when experiences with others turn toward that familiar uncomfortable aspect of dislike where impact increases... can you choose in those moments to hold regard and care for them and yourself?
In those moments, choosing to touch into the experience of other enough to remember they too are experiencing discomfort, emotions, hardship, pain, etc.
Can you welcome both their experience and your experience into positive regard and care?
I recently had this experience.
I was on the receiving end of discomfort and dislike of an experience, with impact increasingly affecting me.
During which I remembered to choose positive regard.
Instantly I realized this person was also in discomfort and hardship, having a hard time revealing and owning. As I made contact with positive regard, I softened, listened more intently, stayed with the experience as it unfolded.
The biggest take away for me was…
Holding us both in positive regard, I recognized I wasn't taking it personally.
I wasn't being in defense.
I could stay balanced with self and other.
This felt like such a relief and reassurance for the life of love, connection and intimacy I want!!!
So profoundly different to how it once would have gone for me.
The overall benefit? Closeness, connectedness, shared reality and a deep sense of intimacy.
Artful Intimacy.
Lean in.
Be with.