The Journey Is Calling

What longing brings you here?

You might not know how to put it into words, but you can feel it. An undercurrent of not-quite-rightness rumbles through your being and perhaps seeps into your relationships. A feeling that there’s more to life, there’s more to you, gnaws at you. In fact, it’s not a mere feeling; it’s a knowing, and it has lived deep inside you for as long as you can remember, deeper than shoulds and positive affirmations have been able to penetrate. It is beckoning you to look more closely now at the stories and patterns you are stuck in, daring you to peer behind the curtain of your personal history, family burdens, and societal expectations, so that you can step into your truth. Truth that is not determined by me, but by the deepest wisdom within you.

How do you go about making sense of your life? How do you uproot patterns and behaviors which bind you to unhealthy circumstances, and free yourself from the crazy making of repeating cycles? How do you bring the hazy yearning for more from just outside your consciousness into clear focus and, ultimately, into your lived reality?

You are here at the threshold of your journey to:

  • Reclaim your creativity

  • Celebrate your life

  • Find life after divorce

  • Adjust to the death of a family member or partner

  • Meet your fear of dying

  • Find a safe (enough) place to explore your childhood wounds and traumas

  • Consider depression, anxiety, and wounding from a different perspective than that of the Western medical model of pathology

  • Explore what’s possible for you when you move off of medications and into an alternative approach to healing

  • Recover from addictive behaviors

  • Understand and take ownership of peculiar sensitivities and needs

  • Move more deeply into self acceptance


for Individuals

for Couples

for Groups

for Guides & Therapists

Welcome, fellow seeker. I am Lorena.

I am a Way Weaver: one who engages deeply with the textures and threads of life to support others in weaving the unique tapestry of their lives. To the wider world I’m known as a relational teacher, journey guide, grief guide, and course leader.

I move slowly to get there sooner. I listen to you, to myself, to the space between, and also to Great Spirit within and around it all. I attune to what you’re saying, what you’re not saying, and perhaps most importantly, to how you are and who you are in all of it.

I give you space and I lean in. I bring play, provocation, and deep support, and I show up in the journey space with all of myself, as a living example of what’s possible when we do the work of truly accepting all of the parts of ourselves.

I’ve learned what it actually takes to come into this self acceptance over time, and chiefly, it’s this: self acceptance is not a passive place of existence, one which, once reached, provides a cushy shelter from challenging emotional states and experiences. Self acceptance is a journey unto itself, a path that must be trekked frequently to keep it readily and reliably accessible. Developing self acceptance requires deep inquiry and commitment to the practice of welcoming the full range of our experience with empathy and kindness.

“If you want to give birth to your true self, you are going to have to dig deep down into that body of yours and let your soul howl.”

— Gabrielle Roth

The modalities I draw from in supporting you at the loom of your life

Click on an image to learn more

“I came to Lorena after years of psychotherapy and a couple of EMDR sessions, none of which did much for my sense of safety and ability to trust other human beings, I felt like a puzzle whose pieces were scattered across multiple drawers and cabinets, all locked, with keys either broken or missing. While I perceived myself beyond help, Lorena appeared undaunted by any of my challenges. She provided a safe presence for me to begin processing the pain in my past, and held me in my unraveling and unfolding with more patience, care, and compassion than imaginable. Her craft is a potent blend of authenticity and devotion, and it has catalyzed in me nothing short of a miracle: much of the time now, I find myself securely anchored in my body, and the battleground of my psyche is occasionally frequented by a spacious, curious presence carrying an olive branch. I have made it back home to myself.”

— Olya Milovska, Boulder, CO