Welcome to The Way Weavers

Journey Guide Program

Enroll by July 21, 2024, to receive $400 off

Enroll by July 21, 2024, to receive $400 off —

A Three Year Immersive Journey

In Service To You, Your Clients, and Your Community

Guided by ancient practices, ceremonies, and rituals

Informed with modern healing modalities

Supported through medicinal allies, grounded ethics, and careful integration

About the Program

If you’re reading this, you might have heard the sacred call to become a journey guide…

It’s very likely that call sounded very different for you than for me, or anyone else. You recognized it all the same.

Way Weavers is for those that are ready to answer the call to become a journey guide – and all that comes with it. 

I believe being a journey guide is a sacred role. But it does not come easily or lightly.

In fact, your responsibility as a journey guide goes above MOST – if not ALL – other healing and therapeutic modalities.

That is why you must do your work to both meet your shadows and develop skills to guide others through highly vulnerable states.

Program Details

The Way Weavers is a three year program to train and prepare you to become a journey guide. 

You will engage in deep inner work, skills training, and practical experience – all necessary to become an ethical journey guide.

  • Inner work and facing your shadows

    + 10 in-person weekend immersions (incl. 2 non-residential)

    + solo, paired, and group integration practices 

    Program Dates


    August 16th - 18th

    November 1st - 3rd

    December 20th - 21st (non-residential)


    February 21st - 23rd

    April 18th - 20th

    June 20th - 22nd

    August 15th - 16th (non-residential)

    October 24th - 26th

    December 5th - 7th

  • Developing practical skills for guiding solo journeys

    + 6 monthly in-person weekend immersions (incl. 2 residential)

    + solo, paired, and group integration practices 

    Program Dates


    February 20th - 23rd

    April 17th - 19th

    June 19th - 21st

    August 14th - 16th

    October 16th - 18th

    December 4th - 6th

  • Facilitating and navigating group journeys

    + 4 monthly in-person weekend immersions (incl. 2 residential)

    + solo, paired, and group integration practices 

    Program Dates


    February 19th - 21st

    April 16th - 18th

    June 18th - 20th

    August 20th - 22nd

You will complete the program with a certification to guide both solo and group journeys.*

*Provided that you fulfill all the program certification requirements.

Program certification requirements include practicum hours in year 2 & 3. A glimpse of the practicum:

  • Shadowing senior journey guides

  • Learning how to mentor

  • Educational evenings with a variety of presenters

Upon enrollment, you will receive a comprehensive program guide detailing all practicum opportunities.

Program Tuition

$1380 per month for 3 years (36 months)

“Lorena has been a remarkable guide and loving teacher for me. In my very first introductory conversation with her, I recall the immense presence and living curiosity that IS the very heart of Lorena. This was several years ago, and yet I still recall the sense of relief I felt at being truly seen, witnessed and reflected upon in that first meeting. I cherished then, as do now, the authentic generosity and gift of her attention. 

As an apprentice journey guide with Lorena, I have been cultivating the many tools that she utilizes in her journey work. Because of her years and depths of study, Lorena now offers a unique and respectful blend of ancient, earth-based traditions along with modern day modalities and perspectives. Lorena’s journey work is transformational, respectful and deeply honoring of each individual’s wisdom and knowing. I cherish Lorena and all that I learn from her and with her.”

Deb Kenyon, Boulder, CO

The program is not for you if:

If any of the conditions below describe you, I trust you’ll understand why it would be a disservice to you (and others) to invite you into the group. 

  • You cannot pass a criminal background check.

  • You’ve ever been treated for a serious personality disorder (The valid needs that come with these conditions are very much beyond the scope of the program).

  • You don’t have much experience in journey work.

  • You have difficultly keeping your personal life stable.

  • You have any unresolved and untreated trauma in the area of sexual abuse/violations/molestation.

  • You have any unresolved and untreated trauma in the area of violent physical abuse.

  • You have any unresolved and untreated trauma wounding in the area of family emancipation or psychological family dynamics.

  • You have any unresolved and untreated trauma from divorce or traumatic relationship closures, i.e. stalking or safety threats.

  • You have any unresolved and untreated trauma from addiction, be it your own or any family member’s.

You will thrive in The Way Weavers if:

  • you are ready for an immersive journey of the inner work and skills development required to guide journeys in an ethical way.

  • you have navigated journey work in your own life – especially if you have a spiritual practice or regular set of rituals.

  • you have a well-developed capacity to honor your Self, while negotiating the demands of modern life.

  • you can claim the time, space, and financial resources to commit to your immersive journey and the deep work of becoming a journey guide

  • you have an interest in making sense of your own life and utilizing it to serve others.

In The Way Weavers, we will create a sacred group space to go deep into our shadows and to witness others in theirs. 

As such, we will carefully select the people we invite into the group. That’s because journey work can be more destabilizing for some people than others.

Enroll by July 21, 2024, to receive $400 off

Enroll by July 21, 2024, to receive $400 off —

If you have heard the call to become a journey guide…

…and are ready to answer it,

Your Guide & Teacher

Hi there. This program is unlike any others out there. I’m confident to say that because it’s based on my path to make sense of my own life, with all its pain and preciousness. It’s developed from my 20+ years of experience as a journey guide. In those 20 years, I’ve worked with hundreds of clients, developed artistry and skill in the most sensitive and precious of spaces, combining various healing modalities, both modern and ancient.

And even though I have taught the various practices, skills, and capacities you’ll see inside the program for 10+ years… The Way Weavers program is being born as we speak. This program will be the first time I’ve offered a group training for becoming a journey guide. That means we will be exploring this unknown territory together, each in our own way. 

You likely have more questions. I’d be happy to answer any and all of them once you have applied.


“I was drawn to work with Lorena because of the integrity she holds with journey work and her depth of spirit. She embodies a deep wisdom that is rare. Through her full acceptance of all of who I am I allowed myself to be truly seen. This form of journey work is the reclamation that my soul was looking for. Lorena was able to kindly and gently meet the parts of me that needed to be seen and attuned to. She mirrored back to me the depth and beauty that I was longing to know. She holds sacred space with such skill and tenderness. I am immensely grateful to have had this experience!”

— Lynn Korst, Prenatal and Perinatal Psychology Educator

I leave you with an invitation:

The call to become a journey guide does not reach everyone.

If you have heard the call and want to answer it,