Relationship is Always at Risk

Why I love impermanence as a guiding purpose for relationship

It creates more presence.

Brings more realness.

Every touch, word spoken, action and reaction matters more.

There's a preciousness which invites me to lean in and show up.

Check-ins become necessary for staying current with each other.

Impermanence creates palpable intimacy.

Impermanence invokes shadow to come into light, rattling attachments.

Making needs a necessary way to reveal oneself to other for the connection to be real, true and authentic.

Impermanence is real. Relationship is always at risk.

(Risk here has many forms - death, disconnection, loss of time, separation, the ending or transitioning of relationship and more).

Can you welcome this and let it guide you?

Impermanence is a relationship risk worth realizing.

Consider putting your attention on this.


Fear is Not the Enemy

